2024 Summit Program

Keynote Fireside Chat: Democracy X Gender Equality: Freedom Fighting on Many Fronts

Kimberly Ellis, Director of the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women in Conversation with California’s First Partner, Jennifer Siebel Newsom

  • From an influential women’s rights advocate and voice for working families, to a gubernatorial spouse, Jennifer Siebel Newsom is a mom of four who embodies the multifaceted nature of modern-day womanhood. As one of the nation’s foremost thought leaders on gender equity, Jennifer is also an acclaimed documentary filmmaker, having written, directed, and produced Miss Representation, The Mask You Live In, The Great American Lie and Fair Play.

    California’s First Partner has spearheaded several statewide initiatives, including #EqualPayCA to close the gender pay gap, and “Advance SEL California,” a campaign supporting children’s social and emotional learning and well-being. In 2011, Jennifer founded The Representation Project, a nonprofit organization to challenge and overcome limiting gender stereotypes in media and society.

    Come learn about Jennifer’s journey, aspirations, and the rich tapestry of roles she navigates with grace and determination in both her work and personal life as she advocates for a more equitable and compassionate world.

    Complete with actionable insights for all who strive to make a difference in their communities and beyond, this is one keynote convo you won’t want to miss!

OG Warriors

Old School Wisdom for the Next Generation of Change Makers

  • From our inability to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, to the ridiculous and continual need to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, to the recent revocation of reproductive freedoms, one thing is clear: despite some of our best efforts, there is still a lot of work left undone in our fight for gender equity.

    As we stand on the shoulders of giants, how do we carry forward the torch of progress to light the path for those who will come after us? How do we leap across chasms of inequality, ensuring our march toward parity is inclusive, bold, courageous… successful?

    Enter our venerable OG agents of change, each a beacon of resilience and wisdom with an unyielding commitment to women's rights and a lifetime of civic engagement and activism. In an era where the fabric of our society is still marred by threads of patriarchy, bias, and discrimination, these icons remind us that the battle for equality is far from over. They champion the notion that true progress requires a commitment to the long haul (after all, this is a marathon, not a sprint!) and an intersectional lens, recognizing the multifaceted nature of systems of oppression and the diverse lived experiences needed to dismantle them.

    This important conversation will delve into proven strategies that propelled the women’s movement forward, while also serving as an urgent call to action to harness our collective power, to educate, to engage, and to mobilize around our continued pursuit for gender equality. The wisdom of these battle-tested warriors isn’t just a reflection of past triumphs and tribulations; it's a roadmap for future freedom fighters to learn from and to follow.

    • Olga Talamante, Executive Director Emeritus and Board Vice Chair, Chicana Latina Foundation

    • Noreen Farrell, Executive Director, Equal Rights Advocates

    • Hon. Dezie Woods Jones, CEO and President, Black Women Organized for Political Action; Former Vice Mayor & Council Member, Oakland

    • Panel Moderator: Elmy Bermejo, Regional Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration

Roe-vember 2.0

Winning Our Feminist Future at the Ballot Box 

  • The 2024 Elections are shaping up to be some of the most consequential of our lifetime. Gender equity is on the ballot. Marriage equality is on the ballot. Our planet’s health is on the ballot. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot. In the ongoing fight for gender equity, so much of our collective future rests on the upcoming “winner-take-all” contests later this Fall. Electoral outcomes in the last four campaign cycles have demonstrated one thing: when single women, people of color and young folks (collectively known as the New American Majority) turn out to vote, we win. This demographic is not only a powerful and growing voting bloc, but it has also proven to be the margin of victory by either sitting out on Election Day, or by taking the voting booths by storm. Women voters, in particular, have been the driving force behind the new American Majority, with approximately 68% of eligible women voting in the past Presidential election alone.

    With a focus on mobilizing Millennials, Gen-Z women and the women’s donor community, this powerhouse panel of activists, strategists and tacticians will dissect the winning formulas of past successes, adapt them to the challenges and opportunities of today’s political landscape, and offer a blueprint to secure wins up and down the ballot.

    As the feminist movement gears up for this year’s make-or-break elections, the insights from this dynamic collective of seasoned campaigners will be invaluablein shaping strategies to flex our electoral muscles while paving the way for sustaining the societal shifts to bring about a gender equitable future.

    • Sara Guillermo, CEO, IGNITE National

    • Taylor Salditch, Executive Director, Supermajority

    • Jenifer Fernandez Ancona, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Way to Win

    • Jason Fong, Commissioner, San Francisco Youth Commission

    • Panel Moderator: Chantal Hildebrand, Co-Executive Director, Alliance for Girls

The State of Abortion in America

The Post-Roe World: Lessons from 2022 and Preparing for the Long Road Ahead

  • Last November, voters around the country sent a clear and unmistakable message: the government should stay out of deeply private health care decisions. In Virginia, voters rejected the transparent attempts by the extreme anti-choice movement to position themselves as moderates on abortion. In traditionally red Ohio, voters made history by adding a range of reproductive rights to the state constitution and stopping the abortion ban movement in its tracks. Now, as we look towards this year's big election, one of the country’s top researchers and experts who helped shape the winning messaging strategy for the Ohio campaign will present on the takeaways from our first few post-Roe election cycles.

    Get ready to dive deep into voters’ mindsets regarding reproductive rights, recent campaign successes, and lessons learned to find out what this collectively means for how we talk about abortion heading into the November 2024 elections.

    • Joey Teitelbaum, Senior Vice President of Research, Global Strategy Group

California Leads the Nation & Unites

Governors in the Fight for Reproductive Freedom

  • Since the fall of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, the Golden State has led the nation in protecting and expanding reproductive rights, including by enshrining reproductive freedom in the state constitution, passing over 20 laws to protect patients and providers, and investing more than $240 million to expand access, including by establishing a travel fund to support women coming to California to access the reproductive health care they need and deserve.

    Last year, recognizing the scale of the threat, Governor Newsom launched the Reproductive Freedom Alliance, a diverse coalition of 23 governors working together to build a protective firewall around reproductive freedom. While attacks on women’s rights and bodily autonomy keep mounting, California and the Reproductive Freedom Alliance continue to spearhead efforts to head off future assaults within their respective states and across the country.

    Hear from Governor Newsom’s Senior Advisor on Reproductive Rights and Deputy Legal Affairs Secretary, who will give us a bird’s eye view of how the fifth largest economy in the world is flexing its muscles to protect reproductive freedom for all.

    • Julia Spiegel, Deputy Legal Affairs Secretary and Senior Advisor on Reproductive Rights to California Governor Gavin Newsom

Suited Up For Democracy

ROLE Model Fashion Show hosted by Taylor Jay Collection

  • Witness Taylor Jay's inspiring designs come to life on the runway. This fashion show is more than just a display of stunning outfits - it's a celebration of women's leadership and the importance of showing up authentically in all aspects of our lives, from the office to the voting booth and everything in between!

  • Taylor Jay, Founder and CEO of the Taylor Jay Collection, empowers women with beautiful, versatile, comfortable, fashion basics that easily adapt to any lifestyle.

    Taylor Jay is the vision and pulse behind the company. A bay area native, Taylor jay has worked in the fashion industry for over 12 years. As a high school graduate and aspiring stylist, Taylor moved to Los Angeles where she studied fashion merchandising at the California school of fashion design. And it’s in sunny Los Angeles that Taylor opened her first boutique at the age of 23.

    With business thriving and upon returning home to the bay area to open a second boutique, Taylor created her first collection, the Taylor jay collection, inspired by her own journey and body challenges. The clothing she designed impressed local customers and boosted demand encouraging Taylor to pursue her very own brand full time in Oakland, now home to the Taylor jay atelier.

    Taylor Jay is more than just a fashion entrepreneur. Tough challenges early in her life only fueled Taylor’s pursuit of her fashion dreams. She has not only become a role model for her daughter, but for many black women entrepreneurs on the rise. She is often featured as a panelist to share her story and perspective. She hopes that her experience and designs can inspire other women to walk confidently and comfortably towards their dreams.

    In her words, she will "...continue to design beautiful clothing that lasts a lifetime and makes every woman feel and look amazing.”

    Established in Oakland, California, in 2012, Taylor Jay is on a mission to make fashionable basics accessible to women worldwide and to become a household name in elevated comfortable fashion.

    We envision a healthy, positive, and welcoming world in which women can thrive and grow without limits. That is why we produce clothing that can be integrated with any lifestyle, has strong lifetime value.

Shift Happens Breakout Sessions

O is for Organizing: Organize, Mobilize - Victory!

  • How do we dismantle systems so riddled with patriarchy, bias and discrimination? How do we teach the next generation to leverage community power within their own neighborhoods?

    Modern day movement leaders understand that success means working at the intersection of organizing, politics and technology. Central to this concept is the necessary foundation of grassroots organizing - the heart and soul of feminist victories.

    Grab your megaphone, protest signs and clipboards and get ready to explore how to build resilient networks of volunteers, foster inclusive spaces that welcome diverse voices and create momentum that translates into tangible outcomes and successes.

    Some of the leading local, state and national advocacy organizations will be in the house and fired up to help empower you to stay active and engaged in the lead up to the General Elections and beyond. Attendees will leave this session charged with a renewed sense of purpose and armed with practical skills, knowledge, and tactics to create individual plans of action. This session will have a little bit of everything for everyone; and that’s what this moment is all about - meeting people where they’re at.

    • Sophia Andary, Vice President, Commission on the Status of Women

    • Shay Franco-Clausen, Political Director, Equality California

Bring a Folding Chair: Getting a Seat on a Board or Commission

  • Boards and Commissions are citizen-led groups that advise elected officials and legislative bodies on a wide range of policy issues, assist in the resolution of conflicts and provide a training ground for new leaders. Some Boards and Commissions are permanent or “standing” entities created by ordinance for a specific purpose (i.e. the San Francisco Commission on the Status of women), while some are “ad hoc,” or convened for a limited period of time to focus on a specific issue facing the jurisdiction.

    Whether permanent or ad hoc, Boards and Commissions play an important role in helping to democratize our government by including diverse voices, perspectives and lived experiences in our policy discussions and decision-making processes.

    Getting appointed to a Board or Commission can also be a great first, foundational step toward running for public office. Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level and bring your advocacy and organizing skills inside the halls of power to advance equitable policies and outcomes? Wanna learn how to deepen your policy expertise, get exposure to local, regional, and state issue campaigns, or broaden your personal and professional networks to become a more effective and influential advocate for change? Then this session is for you; sign up today!

    • Lindsey Nitta, Executive Director, California Women Lead

Bootcamp Barbie: Campaigning for Equality in Elected Office

  • boot ∙ camp

    /ˈbuːt kamp/: a specialized training designed to significantly increase a participant’s knowledge, abilities, or both, in a short period of time.

    Today, our nation stands on the precipice of political and cultural transformation. And even though women make up more than 50% of the population, they represent only 25% of elected officials at the local level, 32% at the state level and 28% in Congress. That puts the United States 75th in the world in terms of female representation in government, behind countries like Serbia, China and Bangladesh.

    And when it comes to women’s civic engagement and political empowerment in San Francisco, the City ranks 49th out of 58 in terms of voter registration and 58th out of 58 (dead last!) in terms of female representation at the state level with no women in the state house representing us.

    If we truly want a reflective democracy, then we must change the state of women’s political leadership by getting more women running for and winning seats at decision-making tables where our lives and livelihoods are being decided.

    This “speed-dating” styled mini-bootcamp is designed to give a 30,000-foot overview of what it takes to run and win campaigns while whetting your appetite to learn more. Whether it’s city council, water board, mayor or your state Party central committee, this session will equip you with the basic nuts and bolts of a campaign, including fundraising, message development, public speaking and field organizing. You’ll learn how to get more training, find resources, make connections and build the support network needed for a successful run for public office.

    • Sara Guillermo, CEO, IGNITE National

    • Amy Zucchero, Chief of Resource Development, IGNITE National